What is Hariak?

The Hariak (threads in Basque) strategy is an initiative developed by Adinberri Fundazioa of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa to prevent and tackle unwanted loneliness in Gipuzkoa. It is part of the Etorkizuna Eraikiz initiative and the Gipuzkoa 2020-2030 Agency, which promote the shared construction of public policies of the future, and position Gipuzkoa at the forefront of care and social policies.

In Gipuzkoa, there have been many social organisations in recent years that have addressed loneliness directly or indirectly through initiatives of various kinds. Therefore, based on the recognition and enhancement of all that has been done so far at a local level, Hariak represents the construction of a common strategy for the whole of Gipuzkoa in collaboration with multiple institutions, social entities and different agents.

Among its objectives, Hariak seeks to strengthen links and relationships between people, making Gipuzkoa a territory of relationships through support, care and community. It aims to build more cohesive and connected communities, neighbourhoods that weave threads of coexistence. It aims to generate shared discussion threads about loneliness to encourage a public conversation, helping people to recognise situations of loneliness in their individual trajectory and the ways to enjoy them, prevent them or face them. All in all, Hariak aims to improve the quality of life of all citizens, especially the elderly.

Hariak is a guiding and action-oriented strategy. In order to guide the actions of various agents, it proposes primary, secondary and tertiary standard prevention actions and a series of recommendations articulated according to its four strategic itineraries: network and governance, public conversation, innovation and outreach, and evaluation and knowledge.

Construction of Hariak

Hariak is the result of a collaborative process involving institutional and social representatives and experts. At the beginning, it promoted an intense participative presentation and contrast process with town councils, social entities and local agents, Osakidetza, companies and innovation centres, with the participation of more than 400 people.

Through this process, numerous and diverse experiences were identified at a local level in the territory that have a direct or indirect impact on loneliness. Hariak makes these initiatives visible and aims to make those developed in the future visible as well.

In the same way, through Adinberri, Hariak understands that in order to tackle its challenges and objectives, it requires the aligned action of various key agents involved in public policies and that this includes setting up a Hariak network for the management and governance of loneliness.

Join Hariak

We invite you to become part of Hariak, to join threads of coexistence, support and care. Join the Strategy and share with Hariak the initiatives in the territory that, either directly or indirectly, contribute to tackling loneliness.
For more information, you can visit our additional sections of the website and consult both the full Hariak strategy and its executive summary.