Values are important ideas and convictions that guide us on how to act or make decisions. Hariak's values are:
To seek equality between women and men. To pay special attention to how care responsibilities, which have historically fallen more on women, are shared.
To aim to ensure that all people feel part of the community and are able to participate. To understand why some people are left out and help them to join in. To help in different places, such as schools, hospitals or in homes, so that no one feels left out. (Social inclusion and participation)
Enabling people to come together and work together in their communities.
And what is important for this? (Community focus and community ownership)
Offering support to people in places that are close, specific and important to them.
Making communities friendly, open and welcoming to all people.
Making people feel connected to each other and have relationships that are important to them.
Encouraging people to participate and join different networks in the community in which they live.
Strengthening both communities and the organisations within them.